Sunday, 6 February 2011

Erotic Adaptations Conference Review

The erotic adaptations conference I presented the X-Files paper at went well, though I almost didn't make it because I was feeling so ill. I took the Monday off work, dosed myself up on drugs and practised reading the paper even though I really didn't want to. The drive up (all 4 hours of it) wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though I think in large part that was due to having driven up there in November so I knew what to expect.  I was sharing a room with a friend of mine so met her at the hotel where we practised our papers and vegged out a bit before heading into Leicester to meet some of her friends. I headed back for an early night, and to take more drugs, and the following morning it was up early and trying not to get lost (again) on our way to the university.

The conference itself, or what I heard of it, was really interesting. I was on a panel with a girl who talked about The Odysey and a friend of mine who talked about Sherlock/Robert-Downey Jr. Jude Law slash. My paper seemed to go down well and a lot of interesting questions were asked, though by that point I was quite frazzled and couldn't really think of any good answers. The conference organiser asked me to send him a copy of my paper as it's relevant to his research, and he's considering putting a book collection together which I will submit the paper to. I have to confess to bailing at lunchtime though and heading back home. I didn't think I'd last much of the afternoon and wanted to get home before it got dark, though I was really disappointed to miss some of the papers that were being presented.

I've uploaded a copy of the paper I presented to my LiveJournal. It can be found here:

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